Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ink - Sets

Sorry so many posts and photos - there are just so many good ideas! 

More personalization ideas:
The date is too big - but something smaller - birthrates or maybe the latitude and longitude of the hospital you were all born in?

Something in all of our Handwriting? 


I like the thumbprint idea too. 


The Lord of the Rings Guys all got a tattoo - elvish for "nine" because there were nine members of the brother hood. Samwise has his on his ankle 



Group Ideas - I really like the numbers 1 of 1


Similar but not identical 

Or identical - if we each contribute to part of it

When the continue from one person to another - with the quotes on two arms of the same person - we could break them up to four pieces 




Or just really teeny tiny ones (but not in white and not on fingers) 


Ink - Styles

Some Artists and Styles I like 
Little bit of shading

UV light - can't see in regular light 

We could do a little outline now and fill it in later 

I LOVE the water colors but I'm sure we have to go someplace really good and we can't do color. 

The skeletons say "Until death"

Victorian ideas. I really like the dancing skeletons

Art Deco 


Art Nouveau


Arthur Rackham (He reminds me of my grandma and we could pick just a little part of his art) 

Edward Gorey

AA Milne (and he has great quotes) 
The other one is the seven dwarves but I like the idea of four of us 

I also like the silhouetted buildings or cityscapes or places we've lived maybe? 

An example of doing a compilation of things we each like - but MUCH smaller